Saturday, December 02, 2006

How is one plus one not always two?

Town Musician

One plus one is not always equal to two. This contradiction to a commonly known fact can be true, and often is very likely in bio-chemistry. This happens when the effect of one substance on the organism is multiplied because it is combined with the effect of another substance. Instead of these two effects doubling, they instead create an effect that is sometimes enhanced up to one hundred times. This combination of effects is called synergism. As an example I am quoting the following statement from my web page (click on side-bar to the right: Dental AMALGAM and Mercury):

"The synergistic effect of mercury combined with various other substances is also an area of significant concern which has been under-researched to date. The toxic effects of mercury are further enhanced when mercury is used in combination with other metals such as zinc and lead.

In a study (24) which looked at a common amalgam (Dispersalloy), the researchers reported [that]... "Dispersalloy was severely cytotoxic initially when Zn release was greatest, but was less toxic between 48 and 72 hours as Zn release decreased." Zn, at the amount released from an amalgam, should not reach cytotoxic levels [by itself]. It does however, potentiate the toxicity of the mercury released by tying up protective mercury chelators due to the fact that Zn and Hg both have a high affinity for sulfhydryls. In experiments investigating this effect, it was found that the addition of non-toxic amounts of Zn2+ (5-10 micromolar) enhanced the toxicity of mercury about 5-fold. (Personal communication: Prof. Boyd Haley. Prof. and Chair, Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Kentucky).

The effects of mercury and lead combined have also been reported. One study showed that when a lethal dose (LD1 = the dose needed to kill 1% of all the test animals) of mercury was combined with 1/20 LD1 of lead, the combination of the two resulted in a LD100 in the test animals (44). This has not been investigated in human subjects but it is clearly reasonable to assume the possibility of similar effects in amalgam-bearing humans."

Here you are LD1 + 1/20 LD1 = LD100


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