More autism with less Thimerosal?
The recent reports that there is more autism with less mercury in vaccines could be misleading. I have an interest in seeing research to be kept honest. And I do believe mercury causes poisoning, no matter how small the quantity. Other than that, I would like to see less bamboozling when it comes to scientific studies.
So how can it be that there is a California study saying that autism is up in spite of Thimerosal being down? There are several simple explanations. One: The new autism rate may not reflect a true increase in autism, but instead reflect a result of renaming what used to be mental retardation. Two: The pharmaceutical companies might not have actually removed the mercury as promised but instead fudged on the numbers. Did anyone test the content of Thimerosal in vaccines? An honest study would not rely on hearsay. There has not been an actual recall of mercury containing vaccines. This is possible!
Point "One" stems from a statement that a San Andreas Regional Center caseworker made to me. He said that for some reason there are a lot more autism cases, but, at the same time, there are fewer mentally retarded cases. Also, the reason for assigning an autism label is often explained by saying that a doctor would not want to keep a child from receiving better services. Children with autism receive more services by the state, mentally retarded handicapped get less. There might be another less wholesome reason to attach the autism label. A doctor might not want the autism rate to go down when it is not in his interest to see autism numbers go down as a result of less mercury in vaccines. Doctors may have a vested interest in making sure it wasn't the mercury that made those children autistic. Could they be liable if Thimerosal was found to cause autism?
So how can it be that there is a California study saying that autism is up in spite of Thimerosal being down? There are several simple explanations. One: The new autism rate may not reflect a true increase in autism, but instead reflect a result of renaming what used to be mental retardation. Two: The pharmaceutical companies might not have actually removed the mercury as promised but instead fudged on the numbers. Did anyone test the content of Thimerosal in vaccines? An honest study would not rely on hearsay. There has not been an actual recall of mercury containing vaccines. This is possible!
Point "One" stems from a statement that a San Andreas Regional Center caseworker made to me. He said that for some reason there are a lot more autism cases, but, at the same time, there are fewer mentally retarded cases. Also, the reason for assigning an autism label is often explained by saying that a doctor would not want to keep a child from receiving better services. Children with autism receive more services by the state, mentally retarded handicapped get less. There might be another less wholesome reason to attach the autism label. A doctor might not want the autism rate to go down when it is not in his interest to see autism numbers go down as a result of less mercury in vaccines. Doctors may have a vested interest in making sure it wasn't the mercury that made those children autistic. Could they be liable if Thimerosal was found to cause autism?