Violets in October
It's October, and again my loquats are blooming. It's wrong. The blossoms will not form viable fruit. Winter is coming and the blossoms will freeze before any fruit can develop. And this year I have violets. Violets in October. I like violets; aren't they suppose to be spring flowers? The seasons are turning at the wrong time. Fall becomes spring. What gives? Right now I look at the violets to give me hope as spring does after a normal rainy winter season.
But this is too strange. Explanations, please!
My real worry is not so much that nature is turning tricks on us. It is much more disconcerting that our government is unable to put it together. Logic in health care is flagging. Government is acting like a doped up child, a child who knows little besides greed and deceit. Violets in October are not normal. But what our Congress is doing is even worse.
But this is too strange. Explanations, please!
My real worry is not so much that nature is turning tricks on us. It is much more disconcerting that our government is unable to put it together. Logic in health care is flagging. Government is acting like a doped up child, a child who knows little besides greed and deceit. Violets in October are not normal. But what our Congress is doing is even worse.