Town Musician It is such a small world. My interest in the toxicity of mercury was peaked when I wanted to find out through the internet what I could find out about depression, anxiety, mood swings etc. I never thought that it would lead to contacts with people who were involved with environmental toxins in general. To start with, I asked at work if we could purchase the “Kieler Amalgamgutachten.” I found it disturbing and fascinating at the same time that this important study of the body of amalgam research up to the mid ‘90s could not be published because someone (Degussa, the company making amalgam in Germany at the time) threatened legal action if it was published. I had no idea how powerful dental associations and manufacturers connected to it are.
I searched the internet further to supply my then already well-established website for interesting material having to do with environmental poisons. Again a book peaked my interest. It was a futurist environmental thriller called “Feine Würze Dioxin,” by Erich Schöndorf. The subject was dioxin as a pharmaceutical by-product. Dioxin is a poison, and here someone thinks of this as a possibly useful product. Having read the book “Suffer the Children” about thalidomide, which also came into being because of by-products research, I found this premise quite plausible. Here I also want to point out that fluoride treatment through the water supply to people’s homes was a result of by-products issues. By-products issues only seem to come up when a toxic substance becomes too toxic to dispose of easily and therefore has to be dealt with carefully. Then and now it costs a lot of money to dispose of toxins. So it is a lot more profitable if you can make a superfund material into a saleable pharmaceutical. That happened with thalidomide; it happened with fluoride; and it is plausible that it might be done with dioxin. I read the book, and I thought the book was really interesting.
This book, a science fiction mystery story, turns out to be a detective story. The more I read it the more I wanted to translate it. The author’s address was in the book. I contacted him, and he approved of my translating it. This book would make a great movie. But that part is another matter. Meanwhile I had translated other things. I had come across a reference to Alfred Stock on the internet and also as references in other places. I found him fascinating enough to check out the first Alfred Stock article from 1926. I translated it and linked it to my website. This translation led to someone from Toxic Teeth to contact me. Mary Ann Newell asked me to translate a study by Dr. Joachim Mutter and Dr. Johannes Naumann about amalgam. After getting permission my translation was sent to Toxic Teeth. Meanwhile Professor Erich Schöndorf wrote me e-mails about the possibilities of publishing my translation. In the back-and-forth of our e-mails he mentioned Dr. Joachim Mutter’s name. I also found out that he had been the district attorney who had originally ordered the Kieler Amalgamgutachten that had been done at Kiel University. I had no idea that all these people knew one another. Freya Koss became interested in the “Kieler Amalgamgutachten,” and she asked me to translate that one as well. So I am going to be occupied with that for a while.
Meanwhile I got another batch of attachments from Dr. Joachim Mutter, and I might need to translate those as well. They show how heated the debate over the toxicity of amalgam is becoming. Again someone on the pro-amalgam-side is threatening legal action. The information stemming from those attachments might become valuable in the struggle to get mercury out of people’s teeth, here in the United States as well as the rest of the world.
Mercury is a prime menace to civilization. The toxin that brought down the Roman Empire was lead. Could it be that mercury is that kind of threat for us today? I am going to be quite occupied. And yes, it is a small world.